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The nature- climate change- mental health nexus: A literature review

The nature- climate change- mental health nexus: A literature review

Growing attention is being paid to the interlinkages between climate change, nature, and human health. In particular, climate change and climate change-related events have been linked to a range of mental health challenges. Noting the potentially devastating effects of mental health ailments on society both in terms of general well-being as well as economically (mental health care was estimated to be more than 4% of gross domestic product in 2015 across the 27 EU countries and the United Kingdom [1]), the value of healthy and resilient environments are being increasingly recognized. In this context, green spaces have been found to act as both preven- tative measures and therapeutic approaches to lessen the negative impacts from climate change on mental health. By promoting access to and utilization of green spaces, individuals and communities can benefit from the positive effects of nature on mental health.

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