Women's mental health and climate change Part II: Socio economic stresses of climate change and eco-anxiety for women and their children
Climate change is a significant public health crisis that is both rooted in pre-existing inequitable socioeconomic and racial systems and will further worsen these social injustices. In the face of acute and slow-moving natural disasters, women, and par- ticularly women of color, will be more susceptible to gender-based violence, displace- ment, and other socioeconomic stressors, all of which have adverse mental health outcomes. Among the social consequences of climate change, eco-anxiety resulting from these negative impacts is also increasingly a significant factor in family planning and reproductive justice, as well as disruptions of the feminine connection to nature that numerous cultures historically and currently honor. This narrative review will dis- cuss these sociologic factors and also touch on ways that practitioners can become involved in climate-related advocacy for the physical and mental well-being of their patients.