Brian Drummond
Feb 24, 2024
Leap year is awesome because it means one more day of winter, or maybe it doesn't but it sounds good either way.Â
We welcome Imran, Marie, and Eve, thanks for joining our group!
This Tuesday the 27th is the AZHPCA General meeting where we hear from our attendees at the national meeting their thoughts and discussion!
-AZHPCA was at the Tucson Arizona Heat Planning Summit meeting with officials from state and local governments and organizations to discuss heat related issues and solutions.
- Met with Rhonda Bannard from who is organizing a group to work on compost legislation in the state. If you are interested let me know and I will get you involved.
- Met with Ken Clark of Seva Solutions and others to organize around energy issues in the state including sourcing and air quality to create a coalition working towards increased standards and green energy solutions.
-Our Medical Student course will run from March 11-22 will let you know how it goes and thank you to all the wonderful speakers we will have from this group!
-Still tracking to have our new website published by the end of next month super excited for that too!!
Education information/News:
-Webinars from Idaho St. Lukes on Climate and health- these are organized from the Idaho state chapter of the Medical Societies Consortium on Climate and Health.
-On Feb 6th Arizona Corporation Commission voted 4-1 to repeal our state's energy efficiency and renewable energy standards. This is really bad and why this November the Arizona Corporation Commission voting is sooooo important and the current 4 who voted for this see fossil fuels as clean and not a problem for our air or health!!!
-Solarcycle open a solar panel recycling company in Mesa Arizona with capacity for 250,000 panels/year
Feb 26th 6 pm  UT Health Houston- Synergy on the Plate: A Diet for Animals, Environment, and Optimal Health-looking at sustainable diet and impacts on health.
Feb 27th AZHPCA General Meeting 1200  Here is the link.
Feb 29-March 1 American Public Health Association Climate Health and Equity Summit- virtual opportunity to learn and discuss social determinants of health, climate equity and policy work 30-40$ depending on if you are a member.
Sustainability Committee Meetings:
March 13, 2024
June 12, 2024
Sept 11, 2024
Dec 11, 2024
March 16th Clean up the Rillito River in Tucson- Yvonne Huckleberry is coordinating an effort to help with clean up and waste awareness, will let you know more details coming up.
Action Items:
 1. Advocating for solar issues in the state of Arizona. Here is a link to follow solar advocacy issues in our state. Big one coming up is the Salt River Project Elections in April in Phoenix. If you want more information see the end of the email.
Attached to this email is a cool flyer you can print and post or share with others with a QR code to join. I posted in our physician lounge and ED breakroom. Thanks to the Huckleberry family for creating!
Will chat soon and share the invite to join AZPHCA with anyone who is interested.
Thanks so much for your interest and passion.