Brian Drummond
Apr 28, 2024
Happy April/ Earth Month is Every Month!
As we start to warm our air quality starts to suffer. This week has already seen high levels of Ozone from the warmer temperatures mixing with volatile organic compounds from the consumption of fossil fuels. Check the air quality on https://www.airnow.gov/ or if you want more information check out our website on Air Quality.Â
We welcome Caylen and Samantha. Thanks for joining our group. I hope to see you at an upcoming meeting!
-We have met with climate reporters from NPR and AZ Central this last month to continue to aid in their stories on climate health issues.
-We were able to participate in an Interprofessional Event with students from the Pharmacy, Public Health, Medical and Nursing schools at the University of Arizona focused on climate changes impact on health through a heat and then wildfire event. Thanks to Mona and Harry for their organization of the event and we hope to expand to more students soon.
-Check out our website for upcoming events, news and education opportunities as we are updating this weekly with new items. We also have a new Beat the Heat! Section with resources to share.
-Â Our work on the EPA standards became finalized:
As the EPA finalized the new clean truck and car standards which will help raise the miles per gallon on vehicles will help decrease emissions which worsen health outcomes. As we celebrate this we must continue to push for a transition to more sustainable transportation including electric vehicles to offload these movements of goods and people. We will be part of an upcoming press conference on May 3rd with Route Zero to help thank the EPA for these standards.
Education information:
- Project Drawdown released a review which is a report with great graphics and is the leader in identifying and evaluation different climate change solutions and putting a number to their impact. Great way to understand the impact of different solutions and see the bigger picture.
-Extreme temperatures are tied to more than half a million stroke deaths a year. With climate change, expect more.https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/10/health/climate-change-stroke-deaths-wellness/index.html
- As a pulmonologist, Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos highlights how EPA's new standards for vehicle emissions will improve air quality, pave the way to a zero-emission future, and make our communities healthier.
-Native Peoples have lived a sustainable way of life understanding thankfulness and an anti-consumption way of life that we should all listen to and modify our behavior to follow. They lead many solutions to climate issues especially land management and this article highlights some examples.
Upcoming AZHPCA Activites:
Steering Committee May 30- We will be finalizing planning of the AZHPCA Summitt.
Sustainability Committee Meetings:
AZHPCA Summit 12-1400 Sept 10th
-Keynote Speaker will Edward Maibach
Action Items:
1. Send a thank you letter to the EPA for increasing the car and truck
standards. Vote Solar has a link to send them a message
Will chat soon and share the invite to join AZPHCA with anyone who is interested.
Thanks so much for your interest and passion.